

I lead several large scale open source software and algorithm development efforts in machine learning in science, arts and humanities. The machine learning in science efforts focus on high energy physics, astronomy, planetary science, quantum information science and others. I have founded and organized 3 open source organizations: CERN-HSF, Machine Learning for Science (ML4SCI) and HumanAI that have continuously taken part in the Google Summer of Code program and together completed more than 350 software development projects since 2016.

I have developed and made significant contributions to the following open source software packages:

Machine Learning for Science


Deep Learning Analysis and Simulation Framework for Strong Gravitational Lensing (DeepLense)

Authors: Sergei Gleyzer, Michael Toomey, Stephon Alexander, Hanna Parul, Pranath Reddy et al.


Google Summer of Code Project(s):


End-to-End Deep Learning in High-Energy Physics (E2E) Project:

Authors: Sergei Gleyzer, Michael Andrews et al.




Google Summer of Code Project(s):

EXXA: Exoplanets with AI

Authors: Sergei Gleyzer, Jason Terry, Jack Mcnish, M. , Mihir Tripathi, Alexandra Murariu, G. Shukla


Google Summer of Code Project(s):

Falcon: Fast Non-Parametric Detector Simulator


Authors: Sergei Gleyzer, Ali Hariri, Harrison Prosper, Omar Zapata Mesa, Darya Dyachkova, Tom Magorsch


Google Summer of Code Project(s):

Code: Falcon, DeepFalcon, Genie


Quantum Machine Learning for High Energy Physics (QMLHEP) Project

Google Summer of Code Project(s):

Code: Quple (2020)

ROOT/TMVA/SOFIEThe Toolkit for Multivariate Data Analysis



The Toolkit for Multivariate Data Analysis provides a ROOT-integrated machine-learning environment for the processing and parallel evaluation of sophisticated machine learning classification and regression techniques.

From 2015-2017, I have led a significant upgrade and re-design of TMVA focused on robust gpu-capable deep learning libraries, modularity and parallelization. Since 2017, this effort is led by Lorenzo Moneta (CERN), also including fast inference applications (SOFIE).

Authors: Sergei Gleyzer, Lorenzo Moneta, Omar Zapata, Kim Albertsson et al.



Google Summer of Code Project(s):

Code: TMVA


Other Google Summer of Code Projects and Software Development:

CODER: CMS Open Data Analysis Environment



CODER is a collection of interactive Jupyter notebooks focused on introductory programming concepts and analysis of Open data for K-12 teachers and students.


Authors: Sergei Gleyzer, Omar Zapata


Code: Gallery



PARADIGM: Decision-making Framework for Variable Selection and Reduction in High Energy Physics


Primary Authors: Sergei Gleyzer




Code: partially integrated into TMVA since 2015