
Sergei V. Gleyzer, Ph. D.


Office: Gallalee Hall 320B

Office Fermilab: WH11E

Office CERN: 32-R-C17

Telephone: 1 (205) 348-7869

Email: sgleyzer@ua.edu

Email: sergei@cern.ch



University of Alabama

Department of Physics and Astronomy

Tuscaloosa, AL 35401

United States




Ph.D.                   Florida State University, High-Energy Physics, Thesis: “Search for the                              2011

                             Dark Matter Signature in Lepton Jet Final State at √s = 7 TeV”,

                             Graduate advisor: Vasken Hagopian

M.S.                     Florida State University, High-Energy Physics, advisor: Vasken Hagopian                       2006

B.S.                      Carnegie Mellon University, Physics                                                                                       2004




Co-Director                        Alabama Center for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, USA               2024 –

Associate Professor         Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Alabama, USA              2023 –

Assistant Professor          Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Alabama, USA              2019 – 2023

Dist. Research Fellow      Department of Physics, University of Florida, USA                                               2015 – 2019

Research Fellow                Deutches Elektronen-Syncrotron (DESY), Germany                                             2012 – 2015

Research Assistant           Department of Physics, Florida State University, USA                                         2006 – 2011




APS:                             Fellow                                                                                                                                   2024

Fermilab:                    LPC Senior Distinguished Researcher Award (PI)                                                       2025

Fermilab:                    2 x LPC Distinguished Researcher Award for Postdoc (PI)                                       2024 – 2026

US. CMS:                     Activities related to the HL-LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project (PI)                    2024 – 2026

DOE:                            SBIR Office of Science Award (PI)                                                                                   2024 – 2025

DOE:                            NERSC AY 2024 DOE Mission Science Allocation Award (PI)                                    2024 – 2025

DOE:                            Artificial Intelligence for High-Energy Physics (PI)                                                     2023 – 2026

DOE:                            Research in Elementary Particle Physics: Energy Frontier (Co-PI)                         2023 – 2026

DOE:                            NERSC AY 2023 Director Reserve Allocation Award (PI)                                           2023 – 2024

NSF:                             NRT ACCEPT (Co-I, Machine Learning Lead)                                                                2023 – 2028

UA:                               College Academy of Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity Award (PI)     2023 – 2024

UA:                               Distinguished Teaching Fellowship                                                                              2022 – 2025

DOE:                             Research in Elementary Particle Physics: Energy Frontier (Co-PI)                        2020 – 2023

US. CMS:                      3 x Software&Computing R&D for HL-LHC Postdoc Co-Fund Award (PI)             2020 – 2023

NSF:                             MPS-HIGH: Decoding Dark Matter through Gravitational Lensing (PI)                  2022 – 2023

NSF:                             Slingshot: Decoding Dark Matter through Gravitational Lensing (PI)                    2021 – 2024

UA:                               College Academy of Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity Award (PI)     2021 – 2022

UA:                               Office for Research and Economic Development SGP Award (PI)                         2020 – 2021

UA:                               CyberSeed Award: Deep Learning and Dark Matter (PI)                                         2020 – 2021

UA:                               Learning in Action Fellowship                                                                                        2020 – 2021

NSF:                              Circumgalactic Dictionary: An Interpretation Guide (Co-PI)                                  2020 – 2023

Fermilab:                     2 x LHC Physics Center Distinguished Researcher Fellowship                              2018 – 2020

EU H2020:                   INSIGHTS Grant Award in Machine Learning                                                             2018 – 2021

NASA:                           Grant Award for Machine Learning for Planetary Science                                     2016 – 2019

DESY:                            Research Fellowship                                                                                                       2012 – 2014

Florida State:              Hagopian Family Endowment Award in High Energy Physics                               2009



Member of Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) Collaboration                                                                              2006 – present

Member of Rubin Observatory LSST Strong Lensing Science Collaboration                                                2020 – present

Convener of CMS Collaboration Machine Learning Forum                                                                             2017 – 2020

Coordinator of the LHC Machine-Learning Working Group                                                                           2016 – 2018

Founder, convener of Inter-Experimental Machine Learning Working Group                                          2016 – present

Founder, administrator of Machine Learning for Science (ML4SCI) Organization                                    2018 – present

Founder, administrator of HumanAI Foundation                                                                                             2023 – present

Inaugural Co-Director, Alabama Center for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence                         2024 – present

Organizer, Chair and Coordinator QCHS2024, QCHS2022, AAAS2021, vQCHS2021, ICNFP 2019,          2016 – present

                                      LHCP 2019, SUSY 2019, CPAD 2018, MLJETS 2018 QCHS 2018, CHEP 2018




11th International School of Deep Learning                                                                                                      Jul. 2024

invited lectures, Porto, Portugal

2024 Hagopian Lecture                                                                                                                                          Mar. 2024

invited prize lecture, Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA

Miami 2023                                                                                                                                                               Dec. 2023

invited plenary talk on “Dark Matter Searches with Machine Learning”, Ft. Lauderdale, United States

KIAS AI in High-Energy Physics Summer School                                                                                               Jul. 2023

“Quantum Machine Learning”, invited lectures, Seoul, South Korea

Workshop on Strong Gravitational Lensing in the Era of Big Data                                                              Jun. 2023

“Machine Learning-based Analysis and Inference”, Otranto, Italy

9th International School of Deep Learning                                                                                                       Apr. 2023

“Machine Learning Fundamentals and Their Applications to Large Scientific Data”, lectures, Bari, Italy

Workshop on Machine Learning for Cosmic Ray Showers                                                                            Feb. 2022

“Machine Learning for Particle Physics”, Newark, DE, USA

NSF AI Planning Institute for Data Discovery in Physics                                                                                Dec. 2021

“AI in Physics Seminar”, Pittsburgh, USA

ENFPC 2021                                                                                                                                                             Sep. 2021

“Modern Deep Learning in High-Energy Physics”, invited plenary talk, Brazil

AI4EIC 2021                                                                                                                                                             Sep. 2021

“Machine Learning for Physics Analysis”, invited talk, USA

Yale Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics                                                                                                 May 2021

“Deep Learning for High-Energy Physics and Strong Gravitational Lensing Cosmology”, invited seminar, USA

University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez                                                                                                                  Oct. 2020

“Deep Learning for High-Energy Physics and Strong Gravitational Lensing Cosmology”, invited colloquium, USA

ENFPC 2020   (postponed to 2021)                                                                                                                       Sep. 2020

invited plenary talk on “Machine Learning Advances in Particle Physics”, Natal, Brazil

APS 2020 April Meeting                                                                                                                                         Apr. 2020

invited plenary talk on “Machine Learning in High-Energy Physics”, Washington DC, United States

Miami 2019                                                                                                                                                              Dec. 2019

invited plenary talk on “Machine Learning at the LHC”, Ft. Lauderdale, United States

Global Innovation Forum: Transforming Intelligence                                                                                    Oct. 2019

invited keynote talk on “Science and Artificial Intelligence”, Yerevan, Armenia

Interpreting LHC Run 2 Data and Beyond Workshop                                                                                    June 2019

invited plenary talk on “Machine Learning at the Large Hadron Collider”, ICTP Trieste, Italy

Inter-experimental LHC Machine Learning Workshop                                                                                  Apr. 2019

invited keynote talk on “Machine Learning in High-Energy Physics: Today and Tomorrow”, CERN

University of Alabama Physics Department                                                                                                    Mar. 2019

“Opportunities for New Physics with Modern Deep Learning in CMS”, colloquium, Tuscaloosa, USA

Fermilab Wine and Cheese Seminar                                                                                                                  Nov. 2018

“Deep Learning for the Future of High-Energy Physics”, Chicago, USA

World Vaccine and Immunization Congress West Coast 2018                                                                    Nov. 2018

invited plenary panelist on “Leveraging Power of AI & Machine Learning for

Accelerated Vaccine Development”, San Diego, USA

Heavy Particles and Flavor Physics (LISHEP2018)                                                                                           Sep. 2018

invited plenary, Salvador Bahia, Brazil

Machine Learning Conference in Science and Engineering                                                                         May 2018

“Machine Learning at the Large Hadron Collider”, invited plenary, Pittsburgh, USA

CEA-Saclay                                                                                                                                                               Nov. 2017

“Machine Learning in Particle Physics”, invited seminar, Paris, France

XVIII International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques                                Aug. 2017

“Machine Learning Advancements in Particle Physics”, invited plenary, Seattle, USA

International Workshop on Big Data Tools for Physics and Astronomy                                                   June 2017

“Machine Learning at the LHC”, invited plenary, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Machine Learning Challenges in Complex Multiscale Physical Systems                                                   Jan. 2017

“Machine Learning in High-Energy Physics”, invited plenary, Munich, Germany






American Journal of Physics Resource Letters Editorial Board                                                                      2022 – 2025

SNOWMASS Planning Process: Energy Frontier and Community Engagement Frontier Liason            2020 – present

Organizer of Machine Learning For Science (ML4SCI) Google Summer of Code Program                   2021 – present

Organizer of HumanAI Google Summer of Code Program                                                                                    2021 – present

PDG Consultant: Machine Learning Chapter                                                                                                                     2021

NSF CDS&E Proposal Review Panel Member                                                                                                                     2020

Organizer Machine Learning for Science Hackathons                                                                                 2018 – present

Editor and organizer HEP Community White Paper on Machine Learning                                                                2019

NSF Cyberinfrastructure for Sustained Scientific Innovation Review Panel Member                                                 2018

Reviewer PRL, Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Computing and Software for Big Science,          2017 – present

IEEE Letters of Computer Society, Journal for High-Energy Physics and others

Founder of CERN-HSF Google Summer of Code Program                                                                                             2017

CERN Knowledge Transfer (KT) Consultant on Machine Learning                                                               2016 – present

Advisory Board Member of Machine Learning in HEP Summer School                                                     2016 – present

Creator of Project CODER                                                                                                                                    2016 – present

Co-founder of Open Data Working Group CERN High School Teacher Program                                      2016 – present

CMS Data Quality Monitoring Supervisor (FNAL, DESY, CERN)                                                                           2009 – 2010




11th International School of Deep Learning (DeepLearn2024), invited lectures                                               July 2024

UA PH551, PH451 Machine Learning                                                                                                                     Spring 2024

UA PH561 Nuclear and Particle Physics                                                                                                                      Fall 2023

KIAS AI in High-Energy Physics Summer School, invited lectures                                                                         July 2023

9th International School of Deep Learning (DeepLearn2023), invited lectures                                               April 2023

UA PH551, PH451 Machine Learning                                                                                                                    Spring 2023

IceCube EPSCOR Initiative Summer School, invited lectures                                                                               June 2022

UA PH582, PH482 Machine Learning                                                                                                                    Spring 2022

LHC Physics Center (LPC) Machine Learning Course                                                                                           Spring 2022

4th International School of Deep Learning (DeepLearn2021), invited lectures                                                 July 2021

UA PH582, PH482 Machine Learning                                                                                                                     Spring 2021

UA PH101 General Physics                                                                                                                                            Fall 2020

UA PH101 General Physics (Studio Format)                                                                                                          Spring 2020

3rd International Summer School of Deep Learning (DeepLearn2019), invited lectures                                       2019

INFN School of Statistics 2019, invited machine learning lectures                                                                               2019

Workshop on Statistics and Machine Learning, CERN, machine learning lectures                                                   2018

2nd International Summer School of Deep Learning (DeepLearn2018), invited lectures                                      2018

Workshop on Machine Learning, UNAM, invited lectures                                                                                             2018

International Summer School of Particle Physics, invited lectures                                                                             2017

European Scientific Institute, invited lectures and tutorials in machine learning                                         2016 – 2017

National Academy of Science of Ukraine, invited lectures in machine learning                                                        2017

CERN Open Lab, invited lectures and tutorials in machine learning                                                                2016 – 2018

CERN High School Teacher Program, Open Data Working Group, 5 training sessions                                             2016

CERN EPLANET Mini-Course, Brazil, invited lectures and tutorials in machine learning                                          2015

Data Science at LHC Workshop, 2 invited lectures and tutorials in machine learning                                           2015

DESY Statistics School, 3 lectures and tutorials in machine learning                                                                          2014

Southeastern CMS Physics Workshop, lecture and tutorial in machine learning                                                      2007

Carnegie Mellon University, Florida State University Physics/Astronomy Laboratory                                2003 – 2005



US LHC Users Association , High-Energy Physics Community Trip to US Congress, Washington DC                     2023

UA K-12 Teacher Coding Workshop, Tuscaloosa, AL                                                                                                      2023

US LHC Users Association , High-Energy Physics Community Trip to US Congress, Washington DC                     2022

Machine Learning For Science (ML4SCI) Hackathon, hybrid, organizer                                                                     2022

US LHC Users Association , High-Energy Physics Community Trip to US Congress, Washington DC                     2021

Machine Learning For Science (ML4SCI) Hackathon, virtual, organizer                                                                     2020

US LHC Users Association , High-Energy Physics Community Trip to US Congress, Washington DC                     2020

Machine Learning Hackathons, UA, INFN, CERN, Brown, University of Puerto Rico, organizer              2017 – present

CS4RI High School Student Outreach                                                                                                               2018 – present

Workshop on Outreach Training at CERN, organizer                                                                                                     2018

SCIFOO Camp, invited participant, GoogleX, Palo Alto, California                                                                                 2018

Fermilab UEC High-Energy Physics Community Trip to US Congress, Washington DC                                             2018

US LHC Users Association , High-Energy Physics Community Trip to US Congress, Washington DC                     2017

CODER High School Teacher Workshop, CMS Open Data Analysis with Jupyter, UF                                              2017

CODER High School Teacher Workshop, CMS Open Data Analysis with Jupyter, UF                                              2016

CODER High School Teacher Workshop, CMS Open Data Analysis with Jupyter, UCF                                           2016

Belmont Hill High School, Outreach Talk on the Large Hadron Collider and Higgs Boson                                      2014

FameLab Germany 2013, Outreach Talk on the Discovery of the Higgs Boson                                                         2013